Water and the Word: Tapestrial
([adjective] tap-es-tree-ul —
exhibiting the characteristics
of a tapestry)

They also took his tunic;
now the tunic was seamless,
woven in one piece from the top. John 19:23b
The last thing taken from Jesus,
before the attempt
to steal his life,
was a seamless tunic.
Imagine yourself, as a thread
in that garment of love.
Without all the other threads,
and without all of us being
woven together
toward a single purpose,
we are nothing.
Picture the artist
who loomed us
into the human community;
together, into a tapestry of hope.
Whatever mission and ministry
to which we are called,
let us live, breathe,
and act together,
in tapestrial fashion,
so the tunic of grace
covers and protects all creation.
© 2022 Todd Jenkins