December 2020
Guatemala Mission Partnership Holds Virtual Fundraiser
On Saturday, Nov. 7, the Guatemala Mission Partnership (GMP) held its first ever virtual fundraiser by creating a fundraising video that premiered on YouTube.
The fundraising team did a lot of advanced planning to make this happen: researching best practices, recording and editing the video, and updating their website and Facebook page. They spread the word several ways: an online event and email marketing campaign through their website, their new YouTube Channel, and their Facebook page.
Covenant Matching Grants
Living Waters for the World is pleased to support Initiating Partners with Covenant Matching Grants. Matching grants are available to qualifying IPs and will be awarded as $2,500 credits toward $5,000 IP-OP Covenant Fees.
To apply, complete the application form below. Grants will be awarded to IPs that meet the grant criteria, in the order that applications are received and approved, and while funds last.
The Covenant Matching Grant online application is not designed for completion on a mobile device.