Water and the Word: Balaam's Blessing

When your donkey steers you
off the road and into a field,
like Balaam’s did,
do you ever stop to listen,
and see if you hear
a divine braying of guidance?
Do you ever feel the courage
welling up inside you
to speak prophetic truth
to power, at risk to self?
I pray for holy gumption
in such moments of my life,
and once or twice,
I may have stumbled through
a word or two of hope.
King Balak was so obsessed
with cursing God’s people
that he gave Balaam four chances
to seal the deal.
To his credit, Balaam was
equally persistent in speaking blessing.
Here’s part of his third oracle:
Numbers 24:6-7b
Like palm groves that stretch far away,
like gardens beside a river,
like aloes that the Lord has planted,
like cedar trees beside the waters.
Water shall flow from his buckets,
and his seed shall have abundant water…
Let’s you and I claim this blessing
for all God’s children.
Let’s commit our hands, feet,
hearts, words and wallets
to make it come to pass.
© 2020 Todd Jenkins