Water and the Word: Gift and Receipt

Gift and Receipt I give and want to be sure I receive;
not a second thought given to why
I think it must always work this way.
We operate in a transactional culture,
expecting take to be balanced by gift,
ledgered and spreadsheeted to the hilt.
A right-in-front-of-your-face secret
of God’s economy and family dynamic
is the ebb and flow of immeasurables
like mercy, love, hope, and forgiveness.
When we’re on a mission from God,
paying attention to life’s abundance
feeds our awareness of the grace
that washes over us every day,
piling receipts all over the place.
© 2018 Todd Jenkins
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love lasts forever. (Psalm 106:1)