Water and the Word: Wilderness Road
Wilderness Road
Acts 8:26 Then an angel
of the Lord said to Philip,
“Get up and go toward the south
to the road that goes down
from Jerusalem to Gaza.”
(This is a wilderness road.)

God, you plan the intersecting paths
of disparate travelers on remote highways;
you open minds wide to imagine ways
to do things never thought of before;
you plant visions of combining
technologies and components
into newly dreamed configurations;
you give us the water of life
and a thirst to see it flow everywhere;
you weave a broad and deep tapestry
of life that never ceases to amaze us.
Give us ears to hear, eyes to see,
minds to grasp, hands and feet to serve;
most of all, give us hearts to hold,
so we might continue along the warp and woof
of your life-giving dreams.
© 2018 Todd Jenkins