Partner with Living Waters for the World
Investing in Your Water Mission
Living Waters for the World International partners and Clean Water U trained teams establish important relationships during their three-year minimum covenant period. These relationships create a foundation of trust and understanding upon which sustainable clean-water systems are built. As part of the covenant, your water team will commit to visit your partner community at least four times over the four project phases.
Living Waters for the World Water Project Phases
Phase 1: Partner and site assessment
Phase 2: Project planning
Phase 3: Water system and health education implementation
Phase 4: Follow-up and sustainability

Whether you are interested in a new water partnership or a sustaining water partnership, your water team will be responsible for its own expenses.
On average, the expenses incurred per covenant relationship are approximately $45,000 over four years. This includes training at Clean Water U, a covenant fee, and travel and in-country expenses.
System and travel costs can vary significantly depending on the country in which your mission team is active. For a more detailed breakdown of estimated expenses click here.