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It's Going to Take Us All

This year Living Waters for the World marked 1,000 water partnerships. What a time to celebrate! Let us lift our hearts in thanksgiving for the joy of being part of God’s work through Living Waters for the World.

As we follow God's call to share clean water with another 1,000 communities, consider with me the family tapestry that is Living Waters for the World: A father and his teenage daughter joining with partners in need of clean water and discovering shared abundance that only God can provide:

A grandfather who celebrates a better life for his granddaughter, while living with the death of his own son from contaminated water. Click on photo or here for audio:

A historic church who believes God has called them to form relationships beyond their four walls and lives this out through their Living Waters for the World work in Honduras:

A mother from the United States washing hands with a Guatemalan child while singing Jesus Love Me -- and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit:

A beautiful country church, just 15 members strong, who dared to dream that God could bless their financial resources and partner with Living Waters for the World:

My dear musician friends Carol Warren and Dale Whitehead share these words in their new song:

No tribe is an island as much as they’d like to be

This truth begins the journey to the place we can be free Where all speak as one voice, answering the call Need more that just a village, it’s gonna take us all.

Friends, this is a glimpse of how clean water will continue to flow through the 1,000 partnerships that have been formed and the 1,000 partnerships to come! By remembering that we are a family, and that we all have a part to play.



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